We had another ultrasound today. I was a little nervous about this one. During our last ultrasound 2 weeks ago, the ultrasound tech. questioned the brightness of our baby's bowels. Brightened bowels can mean nothing at all or could be an indication of something more serious. Good news today, the bowel is not nearly as bright as it was. The tech. said that she thinks it might have appeared brighter 2 weeks ago because of my size. She explained that since I am smaller, the ultrasound picks up on so much more than if I were a larger women. So, very good news! We also found out that our daughter is breach which to me explains why I am feeling so much kicking. The most endearing part of the ultrasound was when we saw her face again - she was sucking her thumb!! We could see her lips and mouth sucking.
I have popped out much more now. We will try to get some pictures up shortly.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
More Special Moments...
Some exciting events have taken place over the last couple of days that I want to share with you all. The first event...our daughter has become VERY active, especially at night time. We can actually already SEE her movements from outside of my belly!! Most books will say that this generally does not happen until later in the pregnancy. I guess our daughter is already setting records! When it first happened I thought I was seeing things, but when it happened several times after that, all I could do was laugh. What a strange and exciting feeling.
Our female dog, Zoey, has been acting a little differently also. At night time and in the morning she is constantly wanting to cuddle up next to my belly. She is so light that it is harmless for her to do this, so I let her. It's very cute.
The other very exciting event which took place this morning is that my friend Jamie found out that she is also having a baby girl!!! Greg and I are so excited that our daughter will have a best friend to grow up with. How cute is that!!!
Stay tuned for tomorrow when I will have more ultrasound results.
Our female dog, Zoey, has been acting a little differently also. At night time and in the morning she is constantly wanting to cuddle up next to my belly. She is so light that it is harmless for her to do this, so I let her. It's very cute.
The other very exciting event which took place this morning is that my friend Jamie found out that she is also having a baby girl!!! Greg and I are so excited that our daughter will have a best friend to grow up with. How cute is that!!!
Stay tuned for tomorrow when I will have more ultrasound results.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
We are half way there today!!!!
We celebrated this morning by having some Pillsbury cinnamon rolls!!! I seriously haven't had one of these since my mom used to make them for us when I lived with her. So, I ate one for the baby and one for my mom and I. She would be so proud!!
Now I am off to hit the elliptical!
We celebrated this morning by having some Pillsbury cinnamon rolls!!! I seriously haven't had one of these since my mom used to make them for us when I lived with her. So, I ate one for the baby and one for my mom and I. She would be so proud!!
Now I am off to hit the elliptical!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Hello, Anyone Out There?
I love writing my blog and keeping everyone up to date on how we are doing. The only downfall is that you all get to hear how I am doing but I don't get to hear how you are doing. I seem to be getting less emails from you all since I began this blog. I miss hearing from all of you! So, please keep the emails coming my way so I don't lose track of you all. I am not even sure who is even reading my blog? Anyone out there??
Friday, March 23, 2007
New Pictures
I had planned on getting these pictures up earlier in the week but due to work and exhaustion, it took longer than I thought. These are the pictures from my father in law's birthday last weekend. The first one is of the beautiful spring flowers from aunt Arlene.
This next picture is of the whole gang, excluding me because I am taking the picture. From the left we have uncle Rick, uncle Vince, Sharyn, Jordan, Mary Ann, Grandpap, aunt Arlene, the birthday boy Bill, Greg & Zoey, Peggy & Mike.
This last picture is of Greg & I. I found this cute little "It's a Girl" shirt and wore it for the birthday party.
I am feeling well and enjoying my special moments when I feel our daughter move. It takes my breath away to know that she is inside of me growing and developing. I can't wait to meet her.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Crazy Dreams
The birthday party went well over the weekend. My mother-in law and her sisters pretty much handled the whole event - they are so awesome!! We got some great pictures which I will put on my blog tomorrow, my day off work.
As you all know, because this is my first time being pregnant, I am constantly reading up on what to expect during pregnancy. Recently, I read that during this stage it is very common to begin having crazy "baby dreams". Boy, are "they" right! Monday night I had a dream that I had a baby (I didn't actually dream about the labor part) and that I kept dropping my baby!!! I woke up horrified! As some of you know, that is one of my worst fears because I just haven't been around babies much. Then last night, I had a dream where I actually was in labor - and what a strange labor it was (I will spare you the disgusting details)! The worst part was that in my dream the baby was born dead and did not look much like a baby! I was beyond horrified and woke myself up - around 5am. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep after that!
Ironically, one of my customers came in this morning with her 9 week old baby girl and we discussed pregnancy dreams (among many other things) and she said she experienced the same type of dreams. As a therapist, I am very aware of how our deepest fears can play out in our dreams - that doesn't mean I have to like it!!
As you all know, because this is my first time being pregnant, I am constantly reading up on what to expect during pregnancy. Recently, I read that during this stage it is very common to begin having crazy "baby dreams". Boy, are "they" right! Monday night I had a dream that I had a baby (I didn't actually dream about the labor part) and that I kept dropping my baby!!! I woke up horrified! As some of you know, that is one of my worst fears because I just haven't been around babies much. Then last night, I had a dream where I actually was in labor - and what a strange labor it was (I will spare you the disgusting details)! The worst part was that in my dream the baby was born dead and did not look much like a baby! I was beyond horrified and woke myself up - around 5am. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep after that!
Ironically, one of my customers came in this morning with her 9 week old baby girl and we discussed pregnancy dreams (among many other things) and she said she experienced the same type of dreams. As a therapist, I am very aware of how our deepest fears can play out in our dreams - that doesn't mean I have to like it!!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Mmmmm, Chocolate!
Another beautiful day in sunny Phoenix, Arizona! Things are going well for us all. The baby continues to move around more everyday! Yesterday we ate a chocolate sundae with nuts...mmmmm, it was so good! This was my first sundae since being pregnant. I really haven't craved sugar sweets much, mostly salty foods. I always have a jar of pickles in the refrigerator - such a cliche! I have been doing pretty good in regards to not giving in to all of my cravings. We'll see how long that lasts! I am almost 5 months pregnant and have gained around 8 pounds - most of which is in my chest!! Oh yeah, if you have been reading my blog for a long time, you may recall way back in the beginning when I wrote about my love handles and the fact that my chest was increasing so quickly and throwing my balance off. I then made the comment, "what next, will my butt grow to balance off my chest?" UPDATE: it has, lucky me!!!
Overall, I feel great and am so much more comfortable with being pregnant. I have noticed that my skin on my face has cleared up and is very soft. I have the energy to take a long walk almost everyday and to do my light arm workouts. We are looking forward to tomorrow. Greg's father had a birthday yesterday; therefore, we are all getting together at our house to have a little celebration. It will be nice to be surrounded by family. Have a wonderful weekend!
Overall, I feel great and am so much more comfortable with being pregnant. I have noticed that my skin on my face has cleared up and is very soft. I have the energy to take a long walk almost everyday and to do my light arm workouts. We are looking forward to tomorrow. Greg's father had a birthday yesterday; therefore, we are all getting together at our house to have a little celebration. It will be nice to be surrounded by family. Have a wonderful weekend!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Breathtaking Moments
Two really cool things happened last night and today so I wanted to share them with you all.
A friend told me to drink a little caffeine before going into my ultrasound so the baby would be active. She said she was told that this activity would help the sonogram tech. get better angles in determining the sex of the baby. I also read about this on the Internet on a pregnancy chat site. So, I had less than half a cup of coffee. Now, keep in mind, I haven't had any caffeine since the beginning of November. Not only did the caffeine buzz me up but it made the baby very active - all day! The cool part about this is that last night when Greg got home from work, I had him place his hand on top of where I felt her moving all day and he actually felt a little jab in my belly. It was very cool for daddy to be able to feel his little girl for the first time!
The second cool thing happened today at work. When I first found out I was pregnant, I bought a journal for expectant mothers. In it, I write letters to our daughter (it feels so good to say that) about my pregnancy, thoughts, and dreams. So, this morning I was writing to her about my mother and the moment I started doing this, a song started playing on the radio. It's a song that was very special to my mother and I. I dedicated it to her when I was still in high school and it has always been very dear to both of us. It's called "Wind Beneath my Wings". Today, when the song came on, every hair on my body arose and I could feel my mother all around me. She was with me during that very moment as I was writing a letter to my little girl explaining to her why her middle name was going to be Cathleen, my mother's name. Thank you mom for that wonderful moment.
A friend told me to drink a little caffeine before going into my ultrasound so the baby would be active. She said she was told that this activity would help the sonogram tech. get better angles in determining the sex of the baby. I also read about this on the Internet on a pregnancy chat site. So, I had less than half a cup of coffee. Now, keep in mind, I haven't had any caffeine since the beginning of November. Not only did the caffeine buzz me up but it made the baby very active - all day! The cool part about this is that last night when Greg got home from work, I had him place his hand on top of where I felt her moving all day and he actually felt a little jab in my belly. It was very cool for daddy to be able to feel his little girl for the first time!
The second cool thing happened today at work. When I first found out I was pregnant, I bought a journal for expectant mothers. In it, I write letters to our daughter (it feels so good to say that) about my pregnancy, thoughts, and dreams. So, this morning I was writing to her about my mother and the moment I started doing this, a song started playing on the radio. It's a song that was very special to my mother and I. I dedicated it to her when I was still in high school and it has always been very dear to both of us. It's called "Wind Beneath my Wings". Today, when the song came on, every hair on my body arose and I could feel my mother all around me. She was with me during that very moment as I was writing a letter to my little girl explaining to her why her middle name was going to be Cathleen, my mother's name. Thank you mom for that wonderful moment.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
It's A Girl!!!!
We'd like to announce that our little angel will be blessing us on Aug. 12th, 2007!!! We are so excited and full of love! The ultrasound went well and she is beautiful (okay, I might be a little biased). We already have her name picked out. We actually knew what we wanted to name her years ago, when Greg and I first started dating. We both had the same favorite name - it was just meant to be!
She was full of energy during the ultrasound, making it somewhat difficult for the ultrasound tech. to get all of her pictures. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come! She was quite camera shy and kept putting her hands in front of her face.
I have been walking around with a smile on my face all day. I am going to have a baby girl!!! It finally all seems real!!
We'd like to announce that our little angel will be blessing us on Aug. 12th, 2007!!! We are so excited and full of love! The ultrasound went well and she is beautiful (okay, I might be a little biased). We already have her name picked out. We actually knew what we wanted to name her years ago, when Greg and I first started dating. We both had the same favorite name - it was just meant to be!
She was full of energy during the ultrasound, making it somewhat difficult for the ultrasound tech. to get all of her pictures. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come! She was quite camera shy and kept putting her hands in front of her face.
I have been walking around with a smile on my face all day. I am going to have a baby girl!!! It finally all seems real!!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Sunny Arizona!
The weather here has been absolutely gorgeous! We have had sunny 80 degree weather with a light breeze. I even put a bathing suit on yesterday and sat in the sun for 45 minutes and read my book(boy was that a sight to see)!!! Don't worry, I had strong sun screen on my face and neck and lighter sun screen on the rest of me. It felt soooo good!
Yesterday was a perfect morning. I woke up early, ate breakfast and cleaned up. I then took the dogs for a long walk. I still had enough energy when we got back to do an arm workout. I did 3 loads of laundry and cleaned the downstairs and guess what...I got all of this done before noon! I haven't had that much energy for many months. I felt great! I haven't had a headache in over a week!
My ultra sound is on Tuesday, so I probably won't write again until then. Just know that everything is going well and I feel really good.
Yesterday was a perfect morning. I woke up early, ate breakfast and cleaned up. I then took the dogs for a long walk. I still had enough energy when we got back to do an arm workout. I did 3 loads of laundry and cleaned the downstairs and guess what...I got all of this done before noon! I haven't had that much energy for many months. I felt great! I haven't had a headache in over a week!
My ultra sound is on Tuesday, so I probably won't write again until then. Just know that everything is going well and I feel really good.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Changing the Due Date
The last couple of days have been great. I have a pretty good amount of energy and am able to work my full shift without falling asleep!! I do have a rash that started to develop a few days ago which is driving me nuts today. It's on my back where my bra hooks. Needless to say, I need to wear the bra so it irritates the rash even more. I put a call into my doctor this afternoon to see what products are safe to use. I have read that it is very common to get rashes when your pregnant due to the increase of blood.
Recently, Greg and I read some interesting information in a book of birthdays. In the book, you could look up your birthday and find out who famous was born the same day, qualities about yourself, and your tarot card. After reading the information on our baby's due date, we decided that we will not have our baby on that day. The tarot card was that of a devil!!
To all of my Minnesota family and friends, I just thought I would share with you that it is 81 degrees and sunny here today!! And you live in Minnesota because....????
Recently, Greg and I read some interesting information in a book of birthdays. In the book, you could look up your birthday and find out who famous was born the same day, qualities about yourself, and your tarot card. After reading the information on our baby's due date, we decided that we will not have our baby on that day. The tarot card was that of a devil!!
To all of my Minnesota family and friends, I just thought I would share with you that it is 81 degrees and sunny here today!! And you live in Minnesota because....????
Sunday, March 4, 2007
New Pictures
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