Half a year old...my baby girl is growing up! She is at such a fun age right now. She is starting to giggle more often which just melts our hearts. We find that we do the silliest things in public just to get her to giggle...many people probably think we are nuts!! She is also in a reaching stage...she will reach for everything and anything - I learned this the hard way at the grocery store! She has also become very cuddly at nap times...this I love!!
Unfortnately, she is still teething quite badly which breaks my heart. We have a doctors appointment this week and I will be able to answer the most asked question in regards to Sydney..."How much does she weigh?"
Greg and I stopped by my old gym yesterday to see the owner and to introduce her to Sydney. They were all so happy to see her. I worked with Denise, the owner, for 2 years and she was working with me during both miscarriages. They were amazed at my size and wanted to weigh me and check my body fat...Wow, even I was amazed! I am smaller now than I ever have been! I wonder how much this will change when I stop breastfeeding. I am going to start working with her again once a week...I am very excited! Lastly, I finally got to go shopping yesterday and buy some clothes that fit. It's very exciting for me to have clothes that fit!
Enjoy the pictures...

Sydney in her stroller

Mommy and Sydney at the park eating apple sauce!

First time eating in my new high chair...Mmmm, prunes!

Reaching for the camera!

Look at my rolly-pollies!!!

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