Her favorite part about bath time is after she puts all of her toys away and I unplug the tub. As the water is draining out, she quickly rolls over to her belly and dunks her face in the water. She then quickly lifts her head to see me and laughs...its too cute!
We had another play date today, as we do every Monday. Sydney was a little shy today and her feelings got hurt easily if one of the children took one of her toys. I think she is either getting another little cold or maybe MORE teeth (if that's even possible right now) as her nose started running again when we were at our play date. All of the other kids also had slightly runny noses! Many germs are shared on play dates!
Every time Sydney wakes up from sleeping, we always ask her who she dreamed about. Usually she says "babies" or "daddy" or "mommy" but the last two times we have asked her she has said, "Nana and Paps"!! Very cute!
Nana and Great Aunt Peggy came over yesterday and played with Sydney and watched some of Madagascar with her. They got a kick at how involved Sydney gets into the movie...giggles and all!! Her Uncle Rich is in town from Minnesota (Greg's brother). It only took a few minutes for Sydney to butter up to him and to let him hold her. Must be because he has so many little girls himself, and of course, Jack! Below is a picture of Sydney and Uncle Rich...

Some more cute pictures...
She wasn't too crazy about the gigantic frog...can you tell?
She loves giraffes!
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