She makes the cutest expressions and says words that you just wouldn't expect a 15 month old child to say. She blows the mothers away at play group! Last night we were talking to Nana and she got on the phone and said clear as day, "Hi Nana!" Last week her Nana was reading her a book and Sydney pointed to broccoli and said "broccoli" - I don't remember teaching her that word! She says short sentences. She understands emotions and if she sees someone cry she says, "see baby cry". She loves to run and says "run, run, run..." over and over while she does it. She uses correct words to tell us when she needs to eat, what she wants to eat, drink, etc. Seriously, the list goes on and on. I just wish you all could see her and experience these little "big" things that just melt my heart and make me so proud to be her Mommy.
Enjoy the pictures...

She found the perfect rock...

Looking over her new treasures.

Watching football with Mommy and Daddy!
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