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Thursday, February 19, 2009

18 Month Checkup

Today was Sydney's 18 month old checkup. Thank goodness she only had one shot today! She was not happy to be at the doctors office and cried most of the visit!! She weighs in at 28 pounds and is 34 inches tall - both over the 90th percentile for her age! We discussed her extensive vocabulary and her temper tantrums and night screams. The doctor says she has definitely reached her "terrible twos" early and that the night screams are probably a result of her active brain and dreaming. After asking several questions, the doctor said that Sydney is probably ready for us to start introducing the "little potty". Of course, she will not understand how to use it for awhile but introducing it now will keep her interest peaked and she will catch on faster. I cannot believe we are entering this stage makes me so sad yet excited at the same time that my baby is growing up.

Sydney continues to be so loving. My favorite time of the day with her is from 6:30 to 7pm. During this time she usually sits on my lap, facing me and we give each other lots of hugs, kisses, and giggle. She is so funny and so darn cute!

Jordan came for a visit this last weekend and Sydney could not have been more excited to see her JoJo...
And here is "Miss Little Independent" using her plate and spoon. They are a MUST now during mealtimes!

And here is a picture of her and Jack (her cousin from Minnesota) playing together. When Sydney first saw him, she immediately asked to give him a hug and they then embraced. It brought tears to my eyes because it really means so much to me that she gets to know her family well.

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