Sydney is saying the funniest things lately - well, I guess she has for awhile now - but I seriously laugh all day at some of the things she says and does!! She says things like: "Are you kidding me!" & "Everyone stay here!" and so many more phrases. I need to write them down so I can remember them when I sit down to post on my blog! Last night she went to Nana and Paps house while I got my hair done. I came home with bangs - I haven't had bangs in many years! Sydney noticed right away and said, "Wuk Mommy, you have bangs like me!" So cute!! It's all she talked about on our ride home! We stopped to get some food to go and she had on her new sparkly gold shoes and proceeded to do a dance for all of the guys working behind the counter - so funny!! She loves to entertain others. Mostly, she just likes to flirt with males!! I hope that changes soon!!!
I run my first 10K tomorrow!! I am nervous because I have never competed in a running competition but I am also very excited! I have been committed to this running program since the end of Sept. so it will be good to be able to reap some of the benefits of all this work!
Below are pictures from Halloween night. It was soooo much fun trick or treating with Sydney. Oh man I love her so much!

Happy Halloween!!

Mommy and Sweetie (Zoey and Ziggy's bum)

So cute!!

Daddy and sweetie - can you tell how much she wanted to get her picture taken!!!

"Trick or Treat"

Full belly:)

Trick or Treating

Her little bag of candy got too heavy for her to carry!

Sydney and her friends from down the street.

The Princess's sweet piggy toes got tired - so Daddy rolled her home on her own personal chariot.

So sleeeepyyyy.....

One last sip of milk and off to bed to get her beauty rest!!!
What an awesome night!!!
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