I know, I am a total hypocrite!!! Over the years, watching Jordan play soccer and dealing with all of the parent drama and the crazy soccer schedules, I swore that if we had another child, she would NOT play soccer!!! I blame it on my neighbors!!! They kept asking us to let Sydney play on their son's team AND I finally caved in!! Yes, you heard me right, Sydney is an official soccer player and I am an official Soccer MOM (YIKES)!!! Sydney started her new soccer team last week. She has practice one day a week after preschool. Her 1st game will be April 2nd! Below are pictures from her practice. The coach asked me the question I dreaded, "Is this Sydney's 2nd year playing?" When I said no, she was surprised and said, "Wow, she's pretty good!" I say dreaded question because I just have this feeling that Sydney will be good at it and decide this is something she wants to pursue and I will be forever a "Soccer Mom!" I hope you all know that I am just kidding - I will be proud of my little sweetie and enthusiastic and supportive in any extra curricular activity that she chooses:) She did look very cute at her 1st practice! I was so proud when she scored her 1st goal:) Enjoy the pictures!!!

She's a natural! She is even kicking the ball with the inside of her foot - Daddy and JoJo taught her that:)

Look at the focus on her face!

She's calling for the ball from her coach!

She did have one melt down at the beginning of practice. The coach was using her ball to practice with other kids and Sydney was heart broken that other kids were using her ball and not her!! The coach said it happens all of the time!!

That's her coach.

How about those black and pink cleats and pink striped socks!! Hey, a girls gotta look cute while she's working up a sweat!!

This is her team!!

Look at the focus on her face!! Love it!

Hanging out with the boys!
This is her buddy, Caden, who is also our neighbor. They spend a lot of time together.
Listening to the coach!
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