We fed the deer first. They were so cute and very hungry!!
I love this picture...if you look at the expressions on the deer - it cracks me up!!
Feeding the goats!! These guys were so obnoxious!!
So cute!! Think goodness they were behind the wall or they would have taken Sydney down!!
The donkey's!!
So the ostriches were a little too aggressive for Sydney. We walked up to them and before we could even get food out or get a good look them them, this guy reached down and snapped Sydney's whole hand!!! We were all in shock it happened so fast!! I looked down at Sydney and she had this look of panic & fear. I picked her up and she immediately started crying. No damage was done accept for the fact, Sydney didn't stop talking about it for the rest of the day!! Needless to say, we did not hand feed the ostriches after this!!
We then went in to a special area to feed the birds!! So flipping cool - definitely my favorite part!! Before walking in to the birds, a staff member came out to tell us what to expect. She said to hold the food out and to not be surprised and make sudden movements when the birds land on you. Sounds easy enough...right?? OMG, we walk into the bird area and before we even get a look at our surroundings, a bird lands on Greg's shoulder or head and it startled him and he swatted at it out of reflex!! Then one lands on my head and I scream - then on Sydney's head and she runs!! We did exactly everything the staff told us NOT to do!!! Thank gosh we were the only one's in there. The staff member came over, calmed us down and showed us how to properly hold the food. We then began to relax. At one point, I think I had like 4 birds on my arms and one on my head!!
This was so funny - these birds land on Sydney to eat the nectar - but they ended up fighting over it!
They are still fighting over the nectar and it's all gone!
Such an awesome experience!
The birds were all getting excited and flapping their wings - kind of unsettling at times!
What a great little farm this place is. I highly recommend it to anyone with kids. It's inexpensive and an excellent opportunity for kids to interact up close with the animals!!
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