I am exhausted...I just have not been able to sleep the last few nights. I am so uncomfortable in bed, I get heartburn, my hips kill, and I get so incredibly hot! So, today I went and bought myself a pregnancy pillow that Jamie swears by. I tried hers out and really liked it. Hopefully tonight I will sleep like a...well just sleep!!
I drove by where our new house will be and saw a house that is the same model and same color as ours will be when it is completed. I took a picture (see below). I also took a picture of the stone fireplace that is inside. Ours will be a little different..the stone will go to the ceiling and there will be a wooden mantel.

Well, I am off to make some fiber bars (yes, I am still forcing down the fiber in the hope that some day it will actually pay off) and then off to our birthing class! Wish Greg luck...we watch another video tonight!