Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Today, as I was at work, worrying and stressing over financial "stuff", I started getting depressed and feeling a little overwhelmed. I then looked at our desk and saw Sydney's Santa and Christmas picture and it made me feel better and refocus. Yes, money is tight and we would probably be doing better financially if I got a job using my degree, BUT that was and is not part of our plan. So many special moments we have with Sydney EVERYDAY! Moments that we would not have if she were to be in childcare. All of the hugs, giggles and "I wuv ooos" that we would miss out on if I were at work everyday. And, I really believe that Sydney is so smart and joyful because I am home with her everyday giving her one on one attention and taking her to events and playgroups. Yes, maybe Christmas will be a little different this year...not as many presents under the tree or to family and friends in Minnesota...BUT, 10-20 years from now, no one is going to remember what we did or didn't get them for Christmas in 2008. The things that they will remember, the things that WE will remember, are the loving memories over the years passed - all the special moments that gifts could not replace.

I am not really sure why I felt the need to write this in my blog today. It was not my intention when I signed on to write. But I guess sometimes I just need to let go and let the words come out without the controlling side of me wondering if what I am writing is witty or grammatically correct. And, I do have to admit, I feel better:)

Now I am off to go home and see my sweeties...and that makes me very grateful!


Anonymous said...

Good for you guys making it work no matter what happens, your right about twenty years from now.
Greg logged on to your blog when he was visiting me at the business.
Tony Massahos

Sarah said...

Hi Tony,
So nice to hear from you and am grateful that you read the blog. We miss you guys!!!!