My nephew Cory, his girlfriend Alex, and their 7.5 month old Kai were staying with us last week for a visit. It was so nice to spend so much time with them. Cory and Alex are awesome parents and Kai is soooo cute. He looks just like Cory did when he was a baby! Kai got sick when he was here so I didn't get to hold him and cuddle him as much as I would have liked to have but I will see him again this summer - look out Kai! Also, my neice had a little baby boy, James, about two weeks ago. We were all quite surprised about the boy part since she was told she was having a girl!!! I cannot wait to meet him this summer!
Enjoy the pictures...

This is Alex, Kai & Sydney. It was so cute watching Sydney and Kai interact. Sydney was jealous that she wasn't the baby and tried really hard to act like a baby by using her old Jumperoo and putting the baby's nuk in her mouth - although she had no idea what to do with it once it was in her mouth since she never used one!! Kai is such a beautiful little boy!

Here is Cory, Kai, Alex & Sydney. Kai loved to watch Sydney.

Kai wanted to touch Sydney so bad but she really didn't want any part of that!!

Look at that face!!!! Sydney was so funny with her Jumperoo. Everytime Kai wasn't in it, she wanted in it although she is wayyyy to big for it! We just played along with it and let her be a baby again for a couple harm done!

Sydney LOVES to feed herself with her own utensiles. She will oftentimes turn her nose up to food offerred to her if she isn't given her own spoon! She loves yogurt!

Her first cupcake! I usually don't offer her desserts - but I had made some cup cakes and gave her one. She mostly played with it. Look at her eye...scary! She was so focused on squishing the cup cake just right. OMG, it was soooo hard to clean up!
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