I am back...The month of Jan. was very busy for me due to running my first 1/2 marathon!! I am so proud of myself for sticking with the 20 week program and running 13.1 miles in 2:06 hours!! I never in a million years thought I could do something like this! I was so nervous when I signed up to be a part of this fundraising running team. I just felt the need to help raise money for this organization because I believe so much in the work they are doing. Childhood obesity is such an epidemic - one that is curable - and I will do whatever it takes to make that happen - even if it means putting my body through agonizing pain!! It was an amazing journey, both physical and mental, and I can't wait until the next one!!

Here I am with my free post marathon beer and my medal!! I DID IT!!

This is Laura and I before the race. She was my best running buddy on the team:)

Another picture taken before the big race - 6am ish!!
Sydney has discovered marshmallows!! She loves them so much! In fact, she got mad at Santa (and still talks about it) when he ate all of her marshmallows that she left out for him on Christmas Eve. Below are some pictures of her eating her marshmallows! We can get her to do almost anything with the use of marshmallows!!!

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