Every night when I put her to bed, she tells me to sing Twinkle-Twinkle. So we turn on the night light, turn on the fan, turn off the lights, cover her up, arrange all of her animals and she holds my hand as I sing to her. Sometimes she sings with me and it's so cute! I then kiss her hand and then she kisses it and we say I love you! I love it as much as she does!
Not only is she the most lovable little girl ever, she is also a very polite little girl when it comes to saying "Thank You!" For instance, there have been a few occasions where she will look at Nana and say, "Thanks for babysitting me Nana!" She said to me yesterday, "Thanks for taking me to the library Mommy!" She is just so thoughtful!!
She still doesn't like to be the in car much - most kids and adults alike don't! But when she starts getting antsy, I will turn up the music and we will both dance. I must look like a mad women driving down the road with head bopping and my arms swinging!! Other times when she gets bored in the car, she starts singing loudly about anything and everything - I love it!! Along with this, when we are at home we often times have music on. When we play some good old rock music it's hilarious because Sydney will start dancing around or playing her air drums and make the silliest faces as she says "yeah!" over and over. So funny!!!
One of her newist things is watching the Smurfs on Direct TV. She calls them the "Snurfs"! She is memorized by them. Brings back many memories as the "Snurfs" were my favorite cartoon when I was young. She had a melt down with Nana this week when Nana was babysitting because she wanted to watch the "Snurfs" and Nana wasn't sure how to run the Direct TV station!
Sydney LOVEs princesses!! We have been renting movies from the library lately. She loved Snow White and right now she is watching Sleeping Beauty!! She also loves witches, dinosaurs, monsters and dragons!!
Some other cute things that come to mind are:
When she gets an "owie" she calls it a "boobie" and when I touch her belly button and ask her what it is she calls it her "boobie"!! It's soooo funny! I have that on video and I will try to post it!
Lastly, something she does with me that I LOVE...sometimes she grabs my checks with the palms of her hands, looks at me in the eyes, and then gives me these loooonng kisses! It makes me laugh every time!!
More to come. For now, enjoy the pictures...
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