I came down with a terrible head cold early in the week and was so worried that I was going to give it to Sydney! As of today, I don't think I have.
I am always giving Greg kudos for helping out, but today, I am going to give myself Kudos...
I have felt so crappy all week, especially this weekend, but I was still able to keep up with Sydney and stay positive and playful with her, and I was still able to keep up with the laundry, house chores, grocery shopping, cooking, etc. Basically, I was super mom! I need to remember to recognize those things and give myself credit more often instead of focusing on all of the things that didn't get done! Today, I am feeling better and will be finishing up my Christmas shopping so as it all gets to everyone on time!
Sydney had her 4 month checkup on Friday. She is 26 inches tall (97th %), 15.5 pounds (90th %), and her head is a little on the small side due to its flattening on the back. I still do not understand why it is flat on the back because really the only time she is on her back is at bedtime. So, the doctor said its time to stop wrapping her and let her sleep freely so if she feels like rolling over she can (scary). He also said we should stop rocking her to sleep and that she needs to learn how to fall asleep on her own. I see many sleepless nights in our future. We decided not to implement all of this until next weekend since I have been so sick and need sleep right now. I don't know if I necessarily agree with the doctor on the whole wrapping thing...I have done a lot of research and there are proponents for both stances on wrapping...but, I do know that she needs to start sleeping in different positions so her head will round out some. I put her to sleep with her head to the side but she never keeps it there!
On a lighter note, the doctor said it was time to introduce solids...so we started with oatmeal cereal on Friday! She did really well...

The doctor said it may take a couple days before she learns to swallow...not our little one...she ate it up after a few gags and funny faces!!! In a couple weeks we will be introducing fruits and veggies. I am actually going to buy a food processor and make a lot of it on my own...anyone else out there try this? Any suggestions?
Unfortunately, since this was a 4 month checkup, Sydney also had to get some shots. She did pretty good, and daddy and I did pretty good. She did not take any naps that day and was a little cranky. They next day (yesterday) while mommy was feeling rotten, Sydney also felt icky and was running a fever...her first fever! I assumed it was due to her shots. I didn't panic...and handled it well. I just fed her more often to keep fluids coming in and cuddled with her and let her sleep on my chest. By bedtime, her fever was pretty much gone and she was sleepy.
After daddy finished up with his projects yesterday, he took over with Sydney so I could work on my own head cold for a couple hours. Daddy took over early evening until bedtime. With in that short period of time, Sydney peed on him twice, almost pooped on him once, and barfed on him a couple times...it was very eventful...

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