What started out to be a fun day ended up taking a very disappointing turn!!! I was finally able to get an appointment made for our first family holiday portrait for today. This was no easy task since Greg works all of the time and Jordan always has soccer. So, after getting everyone ready and working Sydney's feedings and naps around the appointment time, we finally arrived for our appointment. The first shots were to be of all of us and Sydney in her new Christmas dress. Sydney did awesome and smiled the whole time. The second round of shots were for her three month pictures. I changed her into another outfit and again, she smiled the whole time. We then went to go see Santa while the photographer was getting the pictures ready for us to view. We got cute pictures with Santa and then headed back to Sears for the picture preview. This is where things got bad...I didn't like ANY of the pictures she took. They were about as good as what I would have done. It really sucked and I wanted to cry. I really tried to like them but seriously, they were not done professionally. Only 1 had Sydney smiling which is ridiculous because she was seriously smiling the whole time...even the photographer said she was...so how did she not get it on film!!! Second, I had Sydney in her new dress which the photographer didn't even get on film. I mean come on, any professional photographer would know to get the damn dress in the photo and not just the babies head. And don't even get me started on the 3 month old shots of Sydney alone. They were so bad, I could of done it myself! So, I had a real problem...every other photo place was booked till Christmas and I needed the photo asap so I could get the cards done. So, I ended up having to pick a holiday picture that I did not like...I am pissed! When I told them I was not happy with any of the pictures, the photographer acted shocked. I will be taking her somewhere else to get the 3 month shots done. So, when you get our Holiday Christmas cards just know, I hate the picture too!!
Below are some pictures Greg and I took when we went to go see Santa...

Maybe I should become a photographer...I couldn't be any worse than the ones at Sears!!!
I did call and complain when I got home. They have someone from Human Resources calling me on Monday.
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