I am finally getting around to posting our Easter pictures. As I last posted, we had a wonderful Easter. We started new traditions and spent time with family and friends - what could be better. The Easter bunny came and left Sydney a fun filled Easter basket and even had time to hide some necklace filled Easter eggs. Since we are not big on candy at the Wade residence, the Easter bunny was creative. He did however leave a couple sugary treats which Sydney ate immediately!
Enjoy the pictures...

Sydney holding her little chirping chick.

Carefully placing the eggs and baby chick in her basket.

Of course the pink grass was a big hit, all day, over and over and over!!!


The necklaces that the Easter Bunny left for her.

And this would be her devouring the bunny marshmallows!! How about that hair - that is why I put it up all of the time. Her bangs are so long!

Hmmmm, what could it be?

Her Easter dress - it was sooooo cute!

My two sweeties all dressed up for church. Yes, Daddy died his hair blond!!!

Nana, Pap & Sydney Easter night.
Aunt Peggy and Uncle Mike also joined us for an Easter feast and we all enjoyed the "Sydney Show".
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