Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Special Gift

Every year at this time, we get these big flying bugs that look like giant mosquito's. They don't bite and they are pretty slow and easy to kill - but they are non-the-less, disgusting!! Sydney does not care for them and will not go near them - I am sure she learned this from me!! They act like moths in that they are attracted to light at night, which means, they cling to our sun screens from 4pm on. Sydney makes a big deal about it and I usually end up having to shut the shades so she can't see them.

With this in mind, imagine how funny it was this morning when she saw one on the outside of the sliding glass door. She kept pointing it out and her Daddy said something about killing it.

She said, "No Daddy, don't do that! He needs to be with his family."

So cute that she understands the concept of the importance of family and how every creature has one. She just continues to amaze me with her intelligence and her ability to grasp concepts that most children do not until much later in age. You know my Mother and colleagues in the Counseling field have always told me that I have an "old soul" because of my ability to see past what is on the surface. I have a feeling my sweetie may have the same gift - A gift I got from my Mom!! Thank you Mom...

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