Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Moving Forward (or trying to)

Jordan's graduation party was a success...there was a total of 30 people at the party!!!
The weather cooperated and Jordan, his Mom, his Dad, and family all seemed to have a good time. Sydney was an angel and did very well with all of the commotion!

Things are starting to get back to normal - if you want to call it that - and we are just waiting for that "big" offer on our house so we can move forward!! I took my Mother in law for a drive out to the area where we want to move and she loved it. What's not to love about it... it is surrounded by mountain views and desert, parks, and beautiful homes. We are away from the city so it's quiet yet very family oriented.

On to more important things...

Have I mentioned yet how amazing my little girl is???
She gives the most awesome kisses...this morning I was playing with her on the floor and she reached out to me and had her mouth wide open to give me a kiss. The feelings I have when she does this are indescribable. These are the feelings and thoughts that get me through all of this house crap!! Whenever I start feeling sorry for myself, I just stare at my daughter and remind myself how lucky I am to have such a beautiful, healthy smart daughter... and a pretty amazing husband too!!

Friday, May 23, 2008


So much has been going on the last week or so. Jordan graduated from high school last night!!! I cannot believe it! When Greg and I started dating, Jordan was 7 years old!! I actually met Jordan before I even met Greg - that's a crazy story!! Time just goes by so quickly. Tomorrow we are hosting his graduation party at our house. We will have over 30 people!! Hopefully the weather holds up. We broke several weather records was so cold and windy and rainy and it actually snowed in several places up North from us!! Am I in Minnesota again? It was in the high 40's-50's!! Hopefully tomorrow will be sunny and 80 like they say since the party is mostly outside by the pool!

My in laws are also's been wonderful seeing them play with Sydney. She loves them so much! She was so proud to show them all of her "big girl" moves! She isn't quite crawling yet - just "maneuvering" as we call it. She had another play date with her friend Addison - my friend Jamie's little girl who is 9 days younger. Addison is more advanced with her movements on the floor - crawling everywhere already!! She is a fast one - Jamie has her hands full! Jamie thinks Sydney might skip crawling and go right into walking - Sydney shows more interest in standing and balancing on her own. We got Sydney a new piece of equipment - it's a kind of walker that is attached to an activity table with toys. Sydney has learned to play with the toys and is slowly learning how to walk around the table. It's very cute.

Well, our camera is broke so I don't have any pictures for now. Hopefully we will get that handled soon!! Have a good Memorial Day Weekend!

Friday, May 16, 2008

9 Month Checkup!!

We had Sydney's 9 month checkup yesterday - and NO shots!!! I was very happy to hear that. For some reason, I thought she was to get shots so I was prepared myself for a long day.

Everything is going very good with her growth and health.
Her measurements are:
20.6 lbs - 78% (gained 3 lbs in 3 months)
29" - 83% (grew 2" in 3 months)
Head Circum.: 44.5 - 60%

As you can see, the flat head the previous doctor was concerned about is no longer an issue as she went from the 30th percentile to the 60th percentile in the last three months since she has learned to sit, roll over, and now sleeps on her belly. I am so glad that I went with my Mother's intuition on this one and didn't go with a helmet. As I have said before, I am not against the helmet and I know it has been successful for many children with ongoing conditions; Sydney, however, didn't have a condition, she was just stubborn and wouldn't sleep in any position but her back.

I left the doctors office feeling pretty proud of my Mommy work thus far... she is healthy, very happy, and growing like a weed. She is meeting all of her milestones in a timely matter and is the joy of my life. I have to admit, it took me awhile to grasp this Mommy role. At times I felt so lost and really questioned my abilities. Sometimes, I even felt trapped - especially when it came to the fact that Sydney will not take a bottle. Everything happens for a reason though, and now as I look back, I am so proud of myself for sticking with breast feeding as long as I have. It's a full time commitment to breast feed. I have to still eat certain foods that I may not want to eat and I still cannot eat or drink several foods or cocktails. I cannot take many medications, I still have to wear the ugly, uncomfortable nursing bras to bed and deal with the throbbing breasts. I have to wear 2 sports bras and a tank top just to work out - which makes breathing difficult!! Also, remember, Sydney has 5 sharp teeth... need I say more!! I could go on and on but I try not to focus on those negatives anymore. In the end, I know I did what was best for Sydney and our family and we now have such a joyful, healthy baby who will soon be turning 1!!!

On a side note, something very scary happened on Wed. I had our carpets cleaned (since Sydney is starting to crawl around so much) and they were wet as I was going up the stairs holding Sydney. I lost my footing and fell. All I could think about while this was happening was keeping Sydney safe, so I did everything I could to break her fall. My feet totally came up from under me and I twisted my back so when we landed, Sydney was on my stomach. I am happy to say that Sydney was fine. I wish I could say the same for me. I really tweaked my back, hips and neck and am still feeling it. Because I am breast feeding, I cannot really do much for the pain except take a small dose of Ibuprofen. I am hoping to get into a Chirop. to straighten my back by Monday!! I just want to get out of this house with all of these stairs and into a one story home!! Please everyone, send positive thoughts our way!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

9 Months Old!!!

For those of you who are waiting for me to write about my first Mother's will have a long wait! Many things went wrong that day and I'd rather forget it! Next year maybe!
On to better things...Sydney is 9 Months old!!! Our beautiful baby girl is doing so many cute things: clapping her hands; doing "So Big" ; almost crawling; pulling herself up to a sitting position; sitting up in her crib and playing ; pretending to read her books out loud; trying new fun foods; socializing more with people around her - and soooo much more!!
Also, Jordan went to prom! He was very handsome and his date was so pretty! Enjoy the pictures!!

And thank you everyone for the wonderful Mother's Day cards!!

She loves balls!!!

"So Big"

She had a noodle on her nose and didn't even know it!!

I made the first year of my pregnancy blog into a book - see below!!!

The happy couple!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

A Beautiful Family Day

Sunday was a nice day for us all. With our house on the market, we haven't been able to just sit home and relax in probably over a year or so. It's been stressful to say the least!

This Sunday however, was different. We got up early and got our house ready for another showing and then went to Jordan's soccer game. They are in State Cup right now and they were playing their rivals. After a nerve racking game, they pulled thru and Jordan got the winning goal!!! We then went to Sonoran Foothills, the community that I think we are moving to, and sat in the park and fed Sydney. We then came home and decided to plant ourselves for the day and enjoy our back yard, new patio furniture and the beautiful Arizona hot sun. Sydney got to play in the pool for the first time and she ABSOLUTELY LOVED it!!! She cried when we took her out but the water is still too cold for her to be in it too long! It really was a nice day! Enjoy the pictures...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Laughing Sydney

I am new at downloading video. It just takes so darn long for it to download onto Blogger. I must be doing something wrong. I will need Greg's help for the next video!!!

Any ways, Nana & Pap, this one is for you...

Let's Go Shopping Da Da!!

Da Da did it, not me!!! I don't even use our credit card!