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Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Little/Big Einstein

I was driving Sydney to school last week and she asked,

"Mommy, why do I go to preschool?"

I said, "You like going to preschool don't you?"

She said, "Yes, but why do I go to preschool?"

I said, "You go to preschool to learn about things."

To that she said, "But Mommy, I already know everything!"

Yep, that's the stage we are in right now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah, We want to let you know that when looking at all the new pics today, Uncle Mike and I just sat here and cried.....when U.M. saw the rings he gave Sydney on her little fingers and your story of how much she loves to dress up he just began to weep. Then, when at the very end of blog he saw the songs you have put on here and on my gosh....we listened to them all. Some I have downloaded but the "Daddy's Little Girl" one is too touching...our hearts are FULL of love and we thank you for allowing us both to love your daughter so much :-) We love mommy and daddy too!!!