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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Little Tadbits on Sydney

Is anyone out there? I haven't had any responses from anyone in awhile...just wondering if anyone is still reading my blog?

Everyday Sydney does something new. Yesterday, I was playing the "Little Piggy" game with her toes and when I did the high pitch noise at the end and tickled her, she smiled. She did it a few times but of course, she wouldn't do it again when I tried to show daddy when he got home from work! She was also imitating a face I was making at her...very cute!

I am learning to multi task. It never fails, whenever it's time for me to eat, she either wakes up or becomes fussy! So today, I was able to breast feed and eat my sandwich at the same time!

I have now been pooped and puked up on more times than I can remember. Last night before bed, Sydney puked everything she ate all over me. It scared the crap out of me!!! Then at our 2 am feeding, as she was eating and we were in our rocking chair, she had an explosive poop that scared the crap out of me. I thought we would be able to finish our feeding before changing but I then suddenly felt my stomach getting very warm...pooped on again!!

The last few days she has been going through a phase where she won't sleep during the day for longer than a few minutes if she isn't on her belly on my chest. I was getting annoyed by it but than Greg reminded me that she will only be this age once and I will miss these moments in the near future. All of the cleaning and other chores can wait. Today has been a little challenging in that Sydney is wanting to eat every hour!!! That makes for a lot of breastfeeding! This girl likes to eat!

My one complaint about the pink papasan chair is that the vibration is on a timer and when the vibration stops, cover your ears...the squealing begins and I have to make a mad dash to the chair to turn the vibration back on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still here, but I'm just a big fan of anything that includes poop and puke :)

love ya,