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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My Little "Jabberbox"

Sydney reached another milestone yesterday...she rolled over from her back to her tummy!! Daddy was home to see and we were both very proud. Now that is all she wants to do! She rolls over and then cries because she cannot roll back onto her back!

She is talking all of the time now. I took her to the mall today and had her in the baby Bjorn. She talked to everyone and everything that she saw. She brought a smile to everyone who passed us! This morning when we were playing on the floor, she just kept talking and talking as she looked up at me...I cried! I just feel so blessed to have her and so proud to be her Mommy!

Well, I am about ready to just throw in the towel on the whole bottle feeding thing. We have tried EVERYTHING!! I have tried having Greg, his mother & his sister feed luck! I have been out of the room and away from the house, no luck. It breaks my heart to hear her cry when other people are trying to feed her. We have tried every bottle on the market. I have even tried warming the nipple. We may just have to chalk this up to another lesson learned...start the bottle earlier (although, I will not be having any more kids so this is a lesson I will pass on to other moms!!!). So what does this mean for me...well, she eats every two hours so I need to be available to her every two hours which makes things a little more difficult since getting from place to place takes so long here in the valley. I guess we will just play it day by day!

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