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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

12 Month Checkup!

Yesterday was a little rough for Sydney (although her Minnesota blog entry turned out quite nice)!! We had her 12 month check up and shots. The doctor was quite impressed with Sydney's vocabulary for her age. When I started rambling off all of the words and short phrases she already knows, the doctor said that was very unusual...that most 12 month olds only know a few words. The doctors words were, "you have a little genius on your hands". Mommy was very proud! I told the doctor that Sydney now turns her nose to baby food and that we are almost done weaning her of breast milk. Sydney showed off for the doctor by walking a few steps for her and by talking. She is 23.5 pounds (75 percentile) and in the 90th percentile for her height. The doctor said we have a perfect little girl and commented on her pleasant personality and demeanor. Mommy left the doctors office feeling pretty good. I cannot believe it's been one whole year. I must be doing something right because she is such a smart, happy baby!

The bad news is, Sydney had to get 4 shots. Then, later in the afternoon, Sydney fell against a piece of furniture and she now has a black eye!!! Of course it "hurts" mommy worse...I feel so bad for her. I couldn't fall asleep last night because I just couldn't get the image out of my head of her getting hurt. Oh boy...and it's only the beginning of booboo's!!

As I look back at the past year, I am just blown away by it all. How much she has grown and changed. How much she has learned in such a short period of time. How much I have grown and changed. I feel like a COMPLETELY different person than I was before having Sydney. I really thought that taking care of a baby was going to be the most challenging part for me - not so. Surprisingly, the most difficult challenge has been accepting my new role as a stay home Mommy - I am still working on this one! I have worked outside of the home since I was 15 years old. Not making a paycheck and not having adult socializing has proven to be quite challenging...but I have no doubt that I'll figure it out - eventually!!

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