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Friday, September 25, 2009

So Gross!!!

Warning - if you suffer from a weak stomach, you may want to skip reading this post!!!

Looking back, I realize that Sydney has really been an easy baby. We really didn't have to deal with a lot of issues that other parents must deal with. For example, Sydney was never really one to put things in her mouth or get into too many things. We really have been blessed! I guess that's why her behavior today shocked me so much!!

I was busy on the computer registering Sydney for some classes at the Phoenix Recreation Center, while Sydney was eating a snack. I then cleaned her up and put her down so she could go watch Wonder Pets. I decided to call Greg to let him know how excited I was that I found some classes for Sydney to participate in. As I was on the phone, Sydney looked up at me and cried out, "Mommy my hands hurt!" and she was holding them out in front of her. Still talking to Greg, I walked over to see what was wrong. I looked down at her hands and saw something strange so I grabbed her hand - OMG!!! I quickly hung up the phone once I realized what I was looking at...

Sydney had pooped in her diaper and for some reason, decided to put her hands down her diaper. Her hands were full of poop!! Lets just say my stomach turned a few times!!

What was she thinking????

As you can imagine, once cleanup was complete, we had a serious one-on-one in regards to where we DO NOT put our hands! She didn't argue!!

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Oh Sarah......... LOL sorry, but I had to giggle at this one. At least she didn't smear it all over the walls like Erik did once!!!!