I had a fantastic Mother's Day!! Greg and Sydney took me out to breakfast at the same place we went to last year and the year that I was pregnant. We had a yummy breakfast and then went and bought balloons to send off to my Mother. We drove to a beautiful park out in the desert and mountains and released the balloons. We then came home and while Sydney took a nap, I got to go shopping by myself!!! I then came home and put my swim suit on and sat by the pool. We then spent the rest of the afternoon at our next door neighbors pool and had margaritas. Greg chased after Sydney the whole time so I got to just sit! It was soooo nice!
Enjoy the pictures...

My little Sweetie at breakfast. That is a heart sticker on her cheek. She loves stickers.

She made a huge dent in her breakfast!!!

Mommy & Sweetie

This is where we released balloons to my Mother

Our pool

1st margarita...

Our neighbors Angelo and Sheila

2nd margarita...
(Note to self...maybe next Mother's Day I should just stick with the two margaritas...!!)
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