Sydney continues to grow and develop right before my eyes. Yesterday, Daddy, Mommy & Sydney were playing in the pool and Daddy pointed out the moon to Sydney. It was the middle of the day but we could see the moon. Sydney said, "Look at the moon Daddy. It's beautiful!" What 21 month olds says the word "beautiful" all on their own! Also yesterday, Daddy made guacamole which Sydney just loves! She took a bite and said, "It's delicious!" I am just amazed that she remembers such big words and can say them so clearly! People must think that I just quiz her all day or hound her with information. The truth is, we just read a lot, watch educational shows, and I talk to her a lot and involve her in almost everything I do. She is just such a smart girl and is so aware of everything that is happening around her. I just cannot believe how blessed we are to have her in our lives. She amazes me EVERYDAY!
Another busy week to come. A play date at the mall tomorrow. Tuesday I work. Wed., we have a birthday party for a little boy from our Desert Ridge playgroup. And then Friday is National Donut Day so our Desert Ridge playgroup is going to tour Dunkin Donuts (I am not even sure if I spelled that right. Can't even remember the last time I went there)!!
Enjoy the pictures...

A picture our neighbors took on Easter Sunday.

Easter Sunday after church.

On Memorial Day we went to visit Grandpap. We love you Grandpap!
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