Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Sydney is doing much better today. She did run a fever for around 24 hours after the bite but there were no visible signs of infection; therefore, she did not have to go in to be treated. By yesterday she was fine. I took her to the mall for a Kids Club event and she had a blast. We did go to the gym today (Miss Rhina was working) with the goal of getting her reacquainted. When Miss Rhina saw us she got teary eyed and said that she saw the video of what happened and was just sick about it. We then focused on Sydney and her comfort level as this was her first time back since the incident. I stayed with her in the playroom and played with her for about 15 minutes. She was very clingy at first but with the help of Miss Rhina, she strayed away from me and began playing with the toys. I did end up working out but I kept checking the TV screens to make sure she was okay. She did just fine. The staff at the gym were all very concerned about Sydney and all very happy to see that she was okay. The marks on her face and lip are pretty much gone - just some purple left on her lip - and the swelling is now completely gone. As far as the little boy that bit her, he was kicked out of the daycare that day and as a result, his father quit the gym. I still feel angry with the dad.

Sydney makes me laugh more and more everyday. She says the funniest things at just the right time and it still catches me off guard. Like tonight when I had her food on her highchair and I said, "Come eat." I looked in at her and she made a beeline into the kitchen and yelled up to me, "I'm coming." It just made me laugh. I seriously need to carry a pen and paper with me because there are so many little things she says and does that make me laugh so hard - but I can never remember them when I sit down to write on my blog!!

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