Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, October 27, 2008

Picture Overload!!!

Two days ago, this is how I found Sydney sleeping during her nap...doesn't it look so comfy!!

This is a new face that she is making when she laughs! She wrinkles her whole face and shows her's so cute!

My favorite picture...look at those eyes!

Our pretty fairy princess.

She is clapping for herself because she was able to stand up out of the baby stroller by herself. This is one of those strollers for baby dolls - very small, she barely fits in it!

Here she is in the baby stroller again reading her favorite book!

Her Halloween costume! We had a Halloween playdate later that day.

Evening playdate at the park on Sat. night.

This is from our playdate at the park on Sat night. This little boy she is next to is her buddy Zack who is a part of are weekly playdate. This evening playdate was with a different group of people and Daddy's were there too. She is coloring a pumpkin.

Now she is coloring Zack...

The picture above and the ones below are from our Halloween playdate today. She had a blast. There were so many kids there of all ages plus the kids from our weekly 1-2 year old playgroup.

One final note...Sydney loves giraffes and this little boy (whom I didn't get a picture of) came to the party in a giraffe costume. Sydney was so excited she ran up to the boy and announced that he was a giraffe and then proceeded to stare at him until he took his costume off. It was so cute!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my god she's a pretty girl. You're favorite is mine too.
