Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Little Miss Independent

My poor sweetie is fighting a bug. She has had diarrhea for 2 days now. She is actually quite the trooper and is still running around the house, although, her fuse is a little shorter than usual. She has had a few meltdowns this morning, mostly over things that she wants to do herself - like feed herself yogurt with her own, what a mess that was! She is definitely becoming Little Miss Independent!!

She is talking in more sentences now - if you can believe it! Yesterday when we were at playgroup...before I knew we were going to be dealing with the diarrhea, she came up to me and said, "Want to go home." She said it several more times until we finally packed up and left for home. One of the little girls kept taking toys that Sydney was playing with and kept trying to poke her in the face...can't blame Sydney for wanting to go home!

She also kept saying, "It's raining out" all day, as it was! She is very good at letting us know what her needs and wants are... "go outside" "go play" "want to color" "give Mommy hug (that's my favorite)" "watch movie" "watch Monsters (Monsters Inc." "watch Nemo" "want blueberries" "want to go upstairs/downstairs"...and the list goes on and on. It seriously never fails to surprise me at the words/phrases that come out of her mouth!

She also continues to be my little love bug...we hug and cuddle throughout the day - I will NEVER get enough of that!!!

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