Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I think I say this every month or so but here I go again...the stage of development that Sydney is in right now is my favorite!!! Everyday is a new adventure with our Sweetie. She really helps me see how precious everyday things are and more importantly, she helps me live in the moment. She has started to do this really cute squeal when she is excited - it brings joy to everyone around her. She is constantly laughing and running. She loves to be outside exploring and drawing with sidewalk chalk. She loves to read her book and sing with Mommy in the car (although, she does not do well with long car rides - she gets way too bored). She can now sing the ABC song, Old McDonald (parts of it), Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, & BINGO. She eats well with a spoon and plate - in fact she demands it now! She talks to other kids and adults in sentences - it blows people away! She loves to color. She is very polite and continues to say "thank you" and "welcome". And if she really, really wants something, she will say "Pleeaazz"!

So many more things that she can do that I am forgetting right now - I need to start writing this stuff down as she does it so I can blog about it. She is beginning to master the magic of imagination which is so fun to watch. It usually involves the use of her Little People animals. She tells big stories about them in the car when we are driving - I have to admit, I don't always follow what she is saying during these big stories but they sure seem exciting!!

She continues to spend lots of time with Nana and Pap and she just adores them. Last night Sydney and I went out to eat with them and as I was putting her into our car to drive home, she hollered out "Paaaap" and reached her arms out for him. Pap walked back over to our car and gave her a big kiss and pat on the head and then she was fine. It was very sweet. She is just such an affectionate child - I just love all of the kisses and hugs she freely gives me throughout the day.

I have decided to join a different Mommy group. I waited for almost a year to even join a group because I was waiting for us to sell our house and move. Since the process was going so slow, I ended up joining a group that was in the neighborhood that we thought we would be moving to after our house sold. We have been participating in that group for 6 months and have really enjoyed it - the problem is - it's not close to where we currently live. We ended up taking our house off the market (due to the horrible economy right now) and we are not sure when we will be putting it back on the market. The drive to our Mommy group activities was long and it was difficult for us to be really involved in ALL of the activities. To make our lives a little easier, we have decided to join a Mommy group that is in our neighborhood - just makes more sense for where we are at right now in our lives. I am looking forward to meeting more families in our own Desert Ridge neighborhood and hopefully we can be more involved in our community. I will keep you posted.

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