Okay, so you may not notice much of a change, but I sure do!! Here is a picture of me at 6 weeks pregnant.

And here is a picture at 10 weeks pregnant. I still had my blond hair!!!

My next doctors appointment is Feb. 2nd. I will be over 12 weeks at that point. Oh, my friend Jamie had her doctors appointment yesterday, she is actually 1 week behind me. I am so excited and fortunate to have such a good friend to go through this experience with.
Sarah your blog maid me cry I love you so darn much,God is blessing you! It only took me two days to figure how to do this! You baby is going to love your blog as he or she grows up. your little belly !!!! Love You xxx-ooo
Hey Sarah!
how have you been! i am so happy for you! mom is so exicted to be an aunt finally! i get to have a little cousin! i am so excited for you and Greg! I love you so very much, and i see your little belly! well i am glad i get to be updated on how you are doing i love you so very much xxxx-oooo
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