I found myself a little overwhelmed yesterday. Greg and I are having a home built close by. It's a one story 3000 sq. foot verses our tri-story 3000 sq. foot that we now have. It should be completed around October. Yesterday, we went and walked through someone else's home (with same floor plan) that was getting framed. It gave us a good idea of what ours will look like. As we walked through this home, everything just kind of hit me. This year is going to be quite a year!! Not only am I pregnant and already on an emotional roller coaster, our baby is due mid August, our home will be done around October, which means not only a big move, but the fact that we need to sell our current house at a time when the market is not so "seller friendly!" So, needless to say, I am a little freaked out all of a sudden!! On top of everything else, we just put my store up for sale. I know it will all work out, I truly believe that. I think it just all hit me at once and I wasn't prepared. Today, I am a little more relaxed. I am excited and eager for all of these changes, it's just a lot to happen in one short year! No one can say our lives our boring!!
Another awesome change that has recently taken place is our really good friends Tom & Jamie (Jamie is my friend who is pregnant with me) got married on Friday!! They actually got engaged the same night Greg and I did and they already have a wonderful little family. Greg and I were honored to be witnesses for them. I have included some pictures below.
Today is a day of celebration. We are officially 12 weeks pregnant. This baby is with us for the long haul!! Thank you for all of your prayers.

Two little bumps on two beautiful ladies!! CONGRATS on 12 weeks!
Thanks Laura!! Wish you could have been there. I wish the pictures weren't so foggy on this blog. I guess I need to mess around with the resolution on the camera?
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