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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More Christmas Adventures...

So after I wrote my blog entry last night, I returned home from work and Greg had a glass of wine and a very delicious dinner waiting for me. It was very sweet. He knew I was having a rough day. I went to bed relaxed and finally, after weeks of not sleeping well, I slept!!! I felt refreshed today. Sleeping has been a big issue for me lately. I have tried soooo many things, even Ambien, but it just hasn't helped. Last nights rest was so much appreciated.

Today, Sydney and I had a cookie exchange party with our play group. I made candy cane cookies for us to exchange with everyone. They turned out very yummy! My Mom and I used to make them when I was young. The party was very "busy"! Many, many children and Mommy's everywhere. The Mommy group that we belong to is pretty big. We all do group activities and then we divide up into smaller groups throughout the week (according to ages) for smaller playgroups. Today's activitiy included all Mommy's and children!! Sydney was a little overwhelmed and not quite herself. She doesn't know how to defend herself when it comes to older kids so she had a couple of melt downs, but overall, we had a good time. And the best part is that we left with several different kinds of cookies!!! It's been so nice getting to know all of these other Moms and their kids. We look forward to these events.

Sydney loves to point out Santa everywhere we go. Today we had to go to Walmart for diapers and stuff. To keep her occupied, I would say "ho, ho, ho" and she would yell out "Santa" and I would get excited with her and ask her to find him. She would look everywhere - she was drawing much attention from shoppers whom played along with us. It was all very sweet and exciting!

After our play date, it was dark out so I decided to drive by homes with Christmas lights. She loved it. She kept saying "See pretty lights" and of course was quick to point out Santa whenever he made an appearance! She is so smart!

Well, time for me to clean up and cook dinner and rest up for whatever adventures come our way tomorrow!

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