Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


We took Sydney to a kids fair on Sunday. Not really what we had expected, but it was nice to get her around other kids. Yesterday, Sydney and I had another play date with the new mommy's group that we joined. We really had a good time. The other moms are so kind and down to earth. They are all around my age and are all stay at home moms (well, some of them work part time) so they all understand some of the struggles I deal with. Sydney walked pretty much the whole time we were there and was very caught up in all of the activities. She totally crashed in her car seat on the way home! I look forward to spending more time with all of these ladies. There is a planned playgroup every week and then a planned outing in the community every other week. October is full of fun things to do with Halloween. I need to come up with a costume for Sydney!!

As far as little Sydney's development...well, she is taller than most of the 2 year olds in our playgroup!! She is walking a lot but still likes to crawl when she is in a hurry to get from one place to another. She is such a monkey and is constantly crawling up furniture and big toys! She is also starting to get much more demanding and will definitely let you know what she wants - when she wants it! And if she doesn't get it, she will throw her head back with such scares me!! I wonder how many times she will do this before she realizes she is hurting herself? She loves to play with Little People toys!!! She calls them her baby's and is constantly playing with them or is at least aware of where they are. She has several of the Little People and some Little People vehicles so now we need to get her a Little People building for her to use. It's so fun to watch her use her imagination as she plays with all of them.

So, I started this post a week ago and am just now getting back to it. It is now Sunday morning and we are going to be having another open house today. I feel it will be good. This house stuff has really taken a toll on us and we really need to get it all done with. We try to stay positive and keep our focus on what is most important...and that is our family! We are blessed to have each other. We are both ready for change and to move into our next phase of life. This house crap has really been holding us back. I made the first BIG change last night... I got 3 inches cut off my hair and got more of my natural color put back in (but kept some blond!!). I haven't had it this short in probably over 12 years...but I think I love it. I did have a panic moment when I saw all of the hair coming off, but then remembered why I was doing it and I knew it would all work out. I feel like a part of me is gone...a part of me that was holding on to something old - I can't really explain it any better than that! I feel lighter now and ready to move forward. It's amazing what a new hairdo can do for a woman!

Over the past week, Sydney has gone from walking and crawling to now just walking. She is just much to "mature" now for that crawling stuff!!! And, by the way, just casually walking won't cut it for my little one...sprinting is more her speed! She loves her daddy and will literally push me out of the way to get to him. I think it's because she really only gets to see him in the mornings during the week so when he is here, she wants his full attention.

Well, it's time to clean again! Everyone please send positive thoughts our way so we can get this house sold!!!!

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