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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sydney Updates

Oh my gosh, what a whirl wind it has been the last two weeks! Lets see, today is Thursday...Sydney FINALLY started feeling a little better on Sunday. We had Nana, Pap, Aunties Peggy & Arlene and Uncles Mike & Vince over for Greg's sauce. Sydney really enjoyed the company and Mommy really enjoyed having the help. With Sydney so sick, we really had not left the house accept to go to the doctor in over a week. On Monday, I hesitated but ended up finally deciding to take Sydney to the park to meet our new playgroup friends. I could tell that Sydney's allergies were getting to her so we left early. By Tues. afternoon, Sydney was 100% and she slept all night Tues. & all night Wed. It was heaven for us all!!!

As for our new Parent Group, there were only a few other Mom's there and no one Sydney's age. I am not a big fan of doing playgroups in parks and other public areas because at Sydney's age, all I do is chase her around and really don't get an opportunity to chat with the other parents. Also, with such a large area, non of the kids really seem to interact with each other, which is what I want for Sydney. So, we'll see how it goes. The few parents I did meet seemed nice.

As for Sydney, well what can I say, she is amazing! As sick as she was, she was quite the trooper. She did learned some "not-so-desirable" behaviors when she was sick; therefore, much of Monday and Tuesday were spent "deprogramming" her:) For instance, she got used to us going in and getting her throughout the night and sleeping with her in the extra bedroom. She was in such discomfort that we did everything we could to help her out. She tried really hard to get us to continue doing this with her after she was feeling better, but it didn't work out in her favor! Also, she started to have major temper tantrums during the last week - thankfully, they have seemed to dissipate since she has been feeling better!

Now that Sydney is feeling better, she is back to her cheerful self. She loves to play with her Daddy and seems to learn something new each time they have a play session. She is going through a phase again where she prefers spending time with her Daddy over Mommy. Sometimes I feel bad about this but I know that as she gets older, she will go through phases where she wants Mommy. At this stage, Daddy is more fun to play with - could it be that he is still a kid himself and understands how her brain works??? All I can say is that she totally lights up when he enters a room:) With Daddy she likes to rough house and be loud - as does he. And with Mommy she likes to play with stickers and color. Mommy is more calm and quiet. What is most important to me and what I am most grateful for is that Sydney has such an involved Daddy who would do ANYTHING for her!!

Moving on, I am noticing how much more Sydney is participating in imaginative play. She now has conversations with her toys and has them interact with each other. She is becoming more and more creative and just loves to pretend play. For instance, she will say "I'm a dragonfly" and then run from one side of the living room to the other with her arms out and pretend to be a dragonfly. She also likes to imitate porcupines, fishies, and any other animal that comes to mind.

I have also noticed how much she is learning from the cartoon Caillou. She will watch an episode and then later that day or even days after, she will re-enact a scene from the show. She has an amazing memory for her age. She still loves to sing her ABC's and loves to have little tea party's with her new tea set! It's so cute! Lastly, I am not sure if I have posted this before, but she absolutely LOVES to have a foot rub right before she goes to bed. It's been a part of our nightly routine for months. Lately, I will ask her to "rub (my) feet" and she will pretend to rub them - very cute!

Man, I could just go on and on because each day she does something else that is so cute! I still take her to the daycare at the gym about 3-4 times a week. She really enjoys coloring and playing with the different toys. She really seems to like her teacher "Miss Reinna" and will sometimes ask for her when we are not there. In fact, on one of the days when she wasn't feeling well and was home with Greg while I ran an errand, she started ranting and raving on the floor and screaming that she wanted "Miss Reinna"!

I do have some pictures that I will try and get up this weekend. It's amazing how fast time goes by!

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