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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Sydney Updates - 5 Months Old!!!

It's been a long time, again, since I have written. Time just gets away from me and I forget to blog. I have been thinking a lot about why I feel like I never get phone calls and writing done. You would think that since I am a stay home mom, I should have more time than moms who work out of the home. But if you carry that thought just a bit further, it makes more sense as to why I may actually have less time...

Mom's who work out of the home of course have the rush factor in the morning of getting everyone ready, but I also have the rush factor. I have 1 hour to get anything done that I cannot do when I am alone with Sydney. Remember, Greg works 12 hour days Monday-Friday so I am basically a single mom during the week.

Working moms come home from work, make dinner, clean up, bath the kids, get them to bed, etc. Well, I do all of that also. I feed Sydney her solids, then we play for a bit, then it's bath time, then we do the bedtime routine and I brestfeed her and rock her and then put her to bed. I then clean up the house and put toys away, prepare dinner for Greg and I for when he gets home from work, clean up dinner, and then it's bedtime.

Working moms drop their kids off at day care and then go to work. At work, they have breaks and lunch times. I, on the other hand, do not have daycare or breaks or lunch. Now, I am not complaining because I made the choice not to utilize daycare and I am happy with that decision. And, I get to see all of Sydney's firsts. I do, however, feel like I work harder now than I ever did at any of my paying jobs!! I know I am definitely more exhausted at the end of the day!! Sydney gets bored very easy and I feel like I never sit down!

On a lighter note, Sydney is doing awesome! I looked at her again today and got tears in my eyes. This look she gives me is just priceless. Greg says she looks at me so differently than she looks at anyone else. It's like she reads me and read her. The weather has cleared up nicely the last week which has allowed us to utilize the jogging stroller. It's more difficult running with a stroller but we are starting to get the hang of it. The last two times we have been out with it, Sydney has fallen asleep. So, I put my Ipod in one ear and listen to some good rock music as I run.

We have started to introduce other solids. We started with cereal for 2 weeks. We then tried bananas but that caused way too much gas for Sydney so we then tried sweet potatoes. She loves sweet potatoes!! We then tried peas, which took some getting used to but then we realized they were also giving her more gas. We also tried prunes, which she absolutely loved, however, they too caused terrible gas!! To top off all of this gas, she was then constipated and didn't poop for three days! She also started teething and was up all night on Sat. So, I decided to stop all solids for the last two days. She finally pooped last night and again today. I also had to use the swaddle (only wrapping one arm) so she could get some sleep last night since we all only got about 2-3 hours the night before. I also gave her some Tylenol. She slept almost all night, only getting up once. Today, she tugged at her ears a lot and didn't really take a good nap. She is drooling like crazy and wanted to bite on everything! It does feel like the bottom teeth are getting close. Wish us luck tonight!

Sydney is not fond of floor time, back or tummy; therefore, she slowed down some on rolling over. The last couple days I have let her cry it out some, forcing her to do some floor time. She rolls from side to side but not front to back yet. She loves to be standing and sitting and in her baby Bjorn. Yesterday we got her a Jumperoo which she loves!! I actually got to eat lunch with both hands today as she jumped in the Jumperoo and watched a Baby Einstein movie!

Well, I have completely rushed through this and know I have probably demonstrated horrible grammar...please forgive me. I just wanted to get something posted quick before Greg gets home and we eat. I will try and get pictures up soon.


LauraC said...

I don't think it's fair to compare working moms to stay-at-home moms and say that either of them have it harder or easier. They both experience different kinds of struggles.

You may think you have it more difficult, but try to look at it from the perspective of the working moms. All the things you CAN get done with Sydney every day - going to the grocery store, doing laundry, picking up the house, going to Target, going shopping, working out - all those things need to be done on nights or weekends by working moms. Their extra "free" time is spent doing things you have the leisure to do, and it cuts into their quality time with their spouse or children.

No one has it easy being a mom. Everyone struggles.

Sarah said...

Oooh, I knew I would get some response on this one!! I am glad to see someone is still reading my blog. You are absolutely right that both work hard and have different struggles...I wasn't saying that I work harder than you or anyother out of the home working mom. What I was saying is that I work harder than I ever have working out of the home. I was also referring to all of the people out there who seem to think that stay home moms have it easier than working moms...because it's just not least with my daughter!! She is so active that I don't get much done during the day at all!! Maybe it's my lack of parenting knowledge, not sure on that one. I actually don't have time to clean the house during the day or work out during the day, or do laundry during the day. All of those things are done before Greg goes to work or when I put Sydney to sleep. Working moms also run errands during their lunches. I wish I had "leisure" time because then I could actually do something on my own, but I don't. What you need to remember is Greg works 12 hour days Monday-Friday. He sees Sydney for an hour each morning. Then on weekends, we spend our whole "leisure" time getting our house spotless for open houses as we must sell our house ASAP! Imagine that stress!!I seriously have not had ANY alone time in months.

People must remember that not everyone experiences the same "experience" the same way. What I might think is difficult you might think is easy, vice versa. So, what I am experiencing right now is very difficult for me, more difficult than when I was out working and getting a paycheck.

I have much respect for mothers who work outside of the home as I have mentioned many times, my mother was a singler working mother and did it all by herself.

I do appreciate your response and understand your situation. I wasn't trying to say mine was more difficult than yours, just that mine is more challenging to me than I guess it would be to you.