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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Pregnancy Brain

Why is it that when you're pregnant, you can't remember words? Seriously, I can't tell you how many times I forget words and then sound like a complete idiot when I am talking to people. Not a good thing when you are in sales!!! I frequently find myself using words like "that thingy" or "you know, that thing that goes around that thingy..."! I try to laugh it off by calling it "pregnancy brain' but sometimes it gets really frustrating! I know some of my customers are thinking, "okay, not only is she getting chubby but now she is losing her mind!" Right on both accounts!!! My friend Jamie said she is experiencing the same problem. Can you imagine what our conversations are like with both of us pregnant and not able to communicate!

I definitely LOOK pregnant today and that makes me very happy. Last night was pretty amazing. I felt so strange as I lay quietly on my bed. I could feel my heart beat throughout my whole body. I read that this is to be expected because of the additional blood in my system. At times it almost felt like I was having heart palpitations. Then, the most amazing thing happened, I felt the baby moving around. I said to Greg, "It feels like something is moving inside of me." His response was was so matter-of-fact, "It is something moving...our baby!" I guess it's still hard for me to believe that I really have a baby inside of me. I can't wait to see her/him on the 13th. I believe that once I get to see our baby, this will finally feel REAL to me.

1 comment:

LauraC said...

Just think how much you will rock the game "Taboo" after this experience! (you know the one where you have to describe the word without using the word?)

And yay for feeling the baby move! Amazing isn't it?!