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Sunday, June 3, 2007

30 Weeks Today

Wow, 30 weeks today! I am afraid to see how much bigger my belly is going to get! It already feels stretched to the max. Sydney has started stretching in my tummy. I can tell because when one limb is pushing out one side of my body, her other limb is pushing out the other side of my body at the same time - not very comfortable!

Last night she was once again a night owl. She woke me up several times as she moved around. I have decided that I really need to get a glider for the night times since her sleeping patterns at this point seem to indicate that we will be having some long waking nights!

Well, back to work. Our list of house projects is getting smaller. We should have our house on the market this month. Still not sure when or how I will be packing everything up yet?

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