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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Braxton Hicks

My body forced me to make yesterday a rest day. I didn't even shower until well into the afternoon (I guess I should get used to that anyways). At around 10am, I started having Braxton Hicks. I called Jamie to find out what they felt like and we were able to determine that I was definitely having them. Such a strange feeling. Some of them were pretty strong and I had to relax and breath through them. Later in the day they seemed to dissipate; however, the pressure resumed most of the night in my upper uterus. I think it was probably just another growth spurt. I was able to get some relief by leaning forward over my foot stool and having Greg rub my lower back. I finally decided around 9:30pm to lay in bed with my pregnancy pillow to support my belly and back which helped a lot! By the way, I don't think Sydney slept all day long!! I think it's because I wasn't up and about all day moving around and "rocking" her to sleep like she is used to.

This morning I feel much better. Sydney, Greg and the dogs let me sleep in until 8am. I have not been able to do this for several months!

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