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Saturday, October 20, 2007

New Discoveries

Sydney had her 2 month immunization shots yesterday. It was awful!! She slept most of the day and we had another 7 straight hours of sleep last night. Today, she was a whole different little girl. She has been talking up a storm all day long. It's so amazing to hear your child's voice. She has a different expression for each's soooo cute!

Along with all of the talking, she continues to recognize how amazing her hand is! She stares at it and then puts it in her mouth and then stares at it again. After awhile of staring and licking her hand, she gets very excited and will then try to stick her whole fist in her mouth. Once she realizes it will not fit, she screams at her hand! She has also starting blinking her eyes a lot today. Everything she does is sooo cute and just amazes me. I know, I know, I probably need to get out more!! I did go hiking tonight before it got too dark. As I was reaching the top of the mountain, I saw a beautiful sunset over the mountains. I wish I could have shared it with you all.

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