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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Successful Marriage

Pregnancy definitely brings knew dimensions into a marriage. I have learned so much during this pregnancy about myself, my husband, and our marriage. I thought I would share two of these insights with you all...

Lesson 1: A Successful Marriage Must be Based on More Than Just Physical Appearances:
Some women say they feel more "womanly" and "sexy" when they are pregnant. I am definitely NOT one of those women! As I have stated in the past, we have definitely learned to have a sense of humor in regards to how my body has changed. My theme song right now is "Bringing Sexy Back"! If you could see how ridiculous I look at night by the time I am ready for bed, you'd see the humor in why I chose this theme song. Of course, I will be sparing you the details of my nightly regime. Let's just say that I have learned that my husband truly loves me for me and not for my appearance!!

Lesson 2: A Good Sense of Humor is a Must for a Successful Marriage:
I have mentioned before that I keep a pregnancy journal for Sydney that includes letters to Sydney in regards to my pregnancy, my hopes & dreams for her/us, my thoughts and emotions during pregnancy, and pictures. I am proud to say that I have done well at keeping up with this journal for her. Yesterday, I put in a picture of myself in my blue bikini at 39 weeks preggo (I thought she'd get a kick out of that when she gets older). As I was looking thru the book, I came across a belly shot from 20 something weeks and it looked so weird. Any ways, last night as we were getting ready for bed (before I started humming "Bringing Sexy Back") I got the book out to show Greg the new picture. I then showed him the weird belly shot I noticed from week 20 and pointed out how distorted my stomach looked. He got this puzzled look on his face and asked me, "Are you serious?" I said, "Yeah, it's weird isn't it?" He then told me to flip the book upside down. Another true testament that "pregnancy brain" does exist... my stomach looked so weird in the picture because I had pasted it into the book upside down!!!! It never occurred to me! Just imagine if you can how strange one of my belly shots would look upside down...remember, I only take a picture of my midsection. We laughed and laughed until both of us were crying our eyes out!! Neither of us could believe how naive I was.

Of course, I have learned so much more and in many ways have become a better person due to my pregnancy experience. I just thought I'd give you all a little laugh at my expense!

So, today is Aug. 8th, the day that Greg said I would go into labor. I have been very active today trying to help things along. The wait continues...

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