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Thursday, July 19, 2007


...that is the best word I can think of that describes where I am at today. I am not sad or depressed or emotional. I am just feeling very pregnant. I feel like my stomach is literally going to just tear open. I have braxton hicks daily along with acid reflex. I feel hungry but really cannot eat much because I then feel like I will throw up.

I think to myself, "Enough, let's just have this baby!"
But then I quickly hear this voice in my head say, "No, wait! She needs more time to grow"
But then I hear, "Grow!!! How much more can my stomach stretch!"

It's like I want to have her very soon but at the same time I am terrified because then it will all be real!

Okay, maybe I am just going nuts...all these voices and thoughts going on in my head!!

Another doctors appointment tomorrow!

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