Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Where or where have my dainty feet gone? Oh my goodness, they hurt so bad right now. I worked on my feet for 5 hours today working on my GNC order and when I finally finished, my feet were actually swollen over my cushioned flip flops (these are the only shoes that fit me at this point). Not only do I not have an ankle bone anymore but there is now swelling over where the bone should be, it's disgusting!!! I don't think my feet have been this sore since Greg and I did the 60 mile Breast Cancer walk. I came home from work and took an hour nap, which I think made me even more tired! I now have some days off so I will try to rest them up!

I haven't had any contractions since Sunday and everything else seems to be functioning as it should. Everyday is a mystery!!


Nikki S said...

Time is going by way to fast, but for your sake I hope you try to enjoy these last days or weeks because you may not get to have this most wonderful experience again. I know this may sound crazy but I miss being pregnant even though I went through all of the same things you have been experiencing lately and remember, eventhough the doctor told you that he thought Syndey was around 6.5 to 7 lbs, they are usually over. Also, if I can have an almost 9 pounder, so can you. Hang in there because the end is very near and don't get yourself worked up that you are going to go early because then you won't. Just remember that the longer she is in there the healthier she will be. By the way, pack some time to get as much sleep as you can while you are in the hospital and don't worry about if you have everything because Greg can always get it for you. Love you and good luck!!

Sarah said...
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